This property lies to the South of Staplehurst village in a semi rural location. The property as existing was of very poor condition with major fabric and weathering issues due to its exposed position, this meant that a full overhaul of the building’s external fabric was to be undertaken.
In addition, a two storey side extension and conversion of an existing linked workshop area to the rear was proposed as part of the overall master plan for the site, to include a detached garage.
Major structural alterations internally have allowed a small dark cottage into the 21st century by ensuring large volumes of natural light and extended views are maximised in principle habitable rooms.
The positioning of non habitable rooms such as the utility room and the family bathroom to the front of the property provides a good dislocation between private areas and the road that fronts the property.
The proposals have also exploited the use of indoor and outdoor spaces, creating a secluded courtyard type space to the rear of the property.